Sunday, May 29, 2005

Laying grovelling on the grass shalt not bringest forth the cure.

Sirs, what adventure hath brought ye here? Thou cheer in my misfortune?For if it is not known yet and I am far from the best damnsel in all the world but as pure as any old snow and with a cross amidst my chest, I'll confess then and there is a strange and painful discomfort in around my neck. The shield that once protected my bosom is lost forever and damned. For what my seemingly loyal peers sayeth me cheering : "this shield should hang from no knights/damnsels chest unless he/she be the worthiest in the world". I warn ye therefore, knights ; consider well before ye darest touch me again... !!! The discomfort hast arisen worst and I bore the damned shield grievously to "Bagdemagus Brake" my stop shop for all things itchy-witchy. Bagdemagus is an old sot that sometimes talks with truth and attends this shop. He sayeth me "Because this shield enchanted is with body fluids of a grievously-sick-wounded-nigh-to-death knight, its wearer shalt cometh to injury or possibly to death". Now, blessed be Janos and Cybeles and fortune for this revelation.
The bogus I delivered out in the yester-day, and the itch of this morning hast a not a sea in common but a puddle. As the veil uncovereth the mystery of my wound, reflecteth I. How canst I override the powers of one infected shield? Which elixir shalt restorest me and once dipped my neck in its drops shalt return me to the figure of cheer again? I hath to cover and hide my injury in that veil for the foul smoke from my wounds leaped up to the loathiest figure that ever I hath seen in the likeness of men; a gay-blood boy. I remembereth the goblet that many a knight were looking: a grail which turneth many loathiest figures in fair maidens, a hideous noise in baroque music with castanets, a cursed-willed body into a course on Will's body... I shalt seek sayeth grail too.
Now that amidst seven hundred knights in one close company hath I been madeth the point of cheer, I shalt rush to pillage. I'll receive their submission and countenance.


Blogger Morgana Anakina Black said...

Now that amidst seven hundred knights in one close company hath I been madeth the point of cheer, I shalt rush to pillage.I'll receive their submission and countenance.

30 May, 2005 00:00  

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