Thursday, June 02, 2005

Little Bø dies of Gølden Fleas Sparkling ...

We have to get a few things straight between us. I like animals I always have but what happened to me today was a sign: the moment of glory is not far away into oblivion. I was mounted on horse back with feelings advancedto all might desire, I went onto a morrow, and disengageth myself from the horse to discharge a very heavy packet my horse carried.( I had been searching the grail with my little company for a long two days and continued to recruit more knights and damnsels. This packet seemed very strange, for I doth not
remember any gift from the palace. This packet containeth a red mantle with precious stones that came along with a message : "The great sorceress Kila and a gay-blood boy sendeth thee this mantle and prayeth thee to take their gift , and in whatsoever thing she hath offendeth thee, she will amend it at thy pleasure".....

I replieth not although the mantle pleased me much. Although the thought of them joint in an attempt against my life preocupateth me. With that came another knight that told me : "Put not on this mantle till thou hast seen more..." " In no wise let it put upon thee nor on thine knights, but till thou have made the bringer of it first on Him".
My thoughts resideth then with Sir Tom the tester : my best whole-knight sleep. But Sir Tom betrayeth my kingdom and also my dignity. He enjoyeth an unique status within my kingdom to which sometime I "ll speak in weepy detail.Y

Sir Daniel steppeth in and sayeth he: I would see that this mantle bringeth thee no harm but shalt test his mysteries on me first". Sir Daniel wore the fur mantle to test.
After awhile he screameth with violence. ¡My head!!!
To which sayeth I : "---Thus, thou shalt wear it 'ere it go, brutus, on the person's back." He rearrangeth the mantle.

Later on screameth he again:
---My back!!! Among a cloud of black little dots dancing I noted a very peculiar little being sucking the blood of Sir Daniel in a very restless way. It was a flea. ¡There were millions of them jumping back and forth! I retrieved Sir Daniel and the flea- infested mantle and gave the command: "Tan y'n cunys lemmyn gor uskys"* and placeth them both on a little portable pyre, I did.

And forthwith the garment was put into flame and burned with it Sir Daniel too...
Later on this flaming pyre was pushed out to sea in a barge where it shone brightly before sinking into darkness. We had beautiful starlights spectacle of golden fleas sparkling on the way to sleep, me thinking in Sir Tom.

* This phrase means in celtic : Now set the pyre at once on fire.


Blogger Morgana Anakina Black said...

An early dance in the south part of the Sefarath Country involves castanets and attracts golden fleas. Probably,I did this kind of dance when the mantle arrived. Nah,!

02 June, 2005 18:48  

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