Saturday, July 30, 2005

Me dressed in many duty-hues.

Many moons have passed since my last entry in this journal. The Tournament have reached a stop on the investigative efforts made by my government. The case in the death of our messenger turned out to be one filled with lies and difficulty. By the courts of our island of apples hence Avalon and the prima facie evidence against this fellow man that seduced and adulterated our messenger before driving him to his demise, I hereby certify that justice shall be done.

Within our jurisdiction two weeks have elapsed since the discovery of the body. The accused filed a petition before this court asking us to set aside the decision for review and reconsideration. We denied it though we were impressed.The accused argument was that it was not given any opportunity. But his argument I reviewed in detail. Pray thee that I and my counsellors may meet the end of deliberations and reach a satisfactory decision. I too would be honest...


Blogger Morgana Anakina Black said...

As I was making deliberations I tried to asses my past and future. My job is very useful but it seemed to me that any officer in the high government of our island could do it. On the other hand, our experiences which we had begun with no formal naval directive now seemed pertinent to justice:there were hundreds of jobs for sentensed murderers in our kingdom. Justice shall be done I promised...and it was delivered.

16 August, 2005 02:00  

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