Tuesday, August 09, 2005

We must do it together

Last ad hoc justice council deliberations were extremely successful; as indeed was the subsequent actions taken by our courts held in our main palace and at home.
The accused was penalized. The following list will enumerate all his sentences:*public service as co-host at the games of at least 50 hours (non pro-bono),* 5 deserts -a-day including Fortecue's raspberry and chocolate ice creams, catalan creams, parfaits, crepes and creme-brulés, * One "good-cheering" a day by our local pro,*Solemn oath of renounce with confidentiality agreement on the basis of any gay-blood conduct from henceforth,*On- call volunteer for a very intimate personal service. ejem. (The accused was cute and wanted to begin anew).

The satellite transmission of the ceremony is bringing it to many in my kingdom and beyond. Indeed, it is on the people's behalf that we are engaged into this kind of magic and can be viewed in every household through a magical device called a tv. There will be great screens as well for the live witnesses at the game fields.

I feel sanguine, and want most of all the light divertimento of a well set dark-fair tournament that appeals to my inner yearnings. We have now all the ingredients for successful games. Me, as this wise and experienced guidance, the presence of some other political and military leaders of the neighboring islands, the logistics studies necessary to good public flow, the concrete resolutions that gay-bloods must go or get extinct, and not the least, a general awareness that time is not on the side of the lazy.


Blogger Morgana Anakina Black said...

Flies ran away from the scene of the crime but now we have done justice. It is time for some grimaces on the pond...we are the future, behold.

17 August, 2005 02:22  

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