Sunday, August 28, 2005

Aaaaaaallez Cuisine!!!!! ......

As some of the competidors are presented before the public I noticed the ones I have not noticed before: the mysterious skinny boy called Arry Totter entertains my eye till eyestrain. His whole cooking stand was propped up with a ... ... ... ... broomstick!
That is a magnificent trick.

As I watch, he is working frantically amidst his bubbling retorts and test tubes. He works against time. He works madly...

Now I heard him say his whole work was done!


O no, wait, he just worked in a dry martini cocktail and downing it at one gulp he is now ready.

I heard wrong, my excuses.

Now he is turning to a huge vat he brought from a Tomwarts's school, that contains a lifetime of research (his story gets weirder each time).

His project: a boiling and bubbling recipe he'd been given by some old cajun witch woman in the vasts plains of Accadia. A mixture that had in its entrails crocodiles warts, chopped up zombie hearts, sticky bat eyes, live shrimps creole and stuttering parrot tongues. He has very good taste. NO man alive can create what he mean to on that vat.

As some time elapsed, the scent of many polecats drifted from the mixture.
Unfortunately, it got to our judges podium atacking our valonian pure air.


In a flash, the lifetime research was spilled out onto the floor by his whining creator. It laid there combined with our valonian mud.

It created soon such a festering mish-mash:
(snap,crackle,pop,koo-koo,kii-kee,caw-caw,tttoo hooot,ttttttoo hooot,whymeee, whymmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!...) These were the strange cries shattering the sleeping calm of our beloved old Tri-Sacred King Tournament.

Beyond the sounds, a whizzing cry I distinguished called out the secret ingredient:

The secret ingredient is... Giant Ostrich Eggs! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallez Cuisine!

Arry Totter eyed many others with disdain. He was not prepared,his mixture he lost. The other contestants watched perplexed the table with giant eggs and heavy mannerisms coming from the referee.
(There is reason to send him to jail).

Poor Arry Totter has to begin anew like everyone else. He must have felt awful.


Blogger Morgana Anakina Black said...

I feel like interrogating many in my domain on the life and times of Rupaul Boy-george, the referee. I always sensed something in his face and behavior but never knew exactly what it was. My time is limited these days.

I have had extenuating days and also nights :), but later on we will talk about that.

I wonder who else is going to convert to the gay blood-philosophy.
I'll rather plant order in this caotic world.

31 August, 2005 18:57  

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