Monday, December 05, 2005

Let me take thou down cause I am going through.

Today, I visited a popular site: Hadrian's Wall.
One of my knights was seen very near the frontier land or so have I heard, and I expected to at least find one of them there.

Hadrian's Wall has been long feared by many as it lies between two armies. Battles are common there, jokes are rude and occasionaly soldiers on either side cross that same line.

The roman's guards have it well observed whereas some of my men defy them by delving into frays of some sort designed to make a diversion and the opponent weary of this type of incursions.

The knight in question was of tender age and full young was dressed he in shield with a spear in his hand and rode he then straight to a fountain that was nearby and crashed. An unclaimed pale horse was standing next to this fountain, well saddled and bridled. He discovered the mangled and bloody body between the bushes. The name of the victim was obvious :
Harry Potter.

Harry Potter... the one who LOST his parents, LOST a journal, LOST a wand, LOST the Iron Knight Competition, LOST a godfather, LOST a best friend, LOST one of his members... (Do not ask me how I know this. I am psychic, ahem! )

I decided to attend Corstopitum village by enchantment and inspect the premises. His name although a mystery at first was well obvious by the time we saw what he carried: a wig , some jewelery, a load of his dirty shirts, capes and cloaks with his full name spelled. The same enigmatic character. The one we should have NEVER addressed.

There must be someone that asks the right questions, I thought . And then, fortunately a witness appeared out of thin air almost as soon as I closed my lips.

"Tell me, fair Thomas Griflin, what happened here???" I said because I actually know everyone in my queendom.

The horse explained to us his discovery: .........."As I was peacefully savouring wild fodder, rushed came he through our Corstopitum village towards me in full haste dressed with his shield and skinny armour. I sway to the side. Then he raised the spear in his hand and rode forward charging towards the fountain wall. He yelled he needed to take a "train" and it leaves in five minutes. He crashed."

As I grasped the gravity of this situation, I asked the horse as only I could do so no one would understand our conversation. Said I: "Fair Thomas Griflet, why would he crash towards a fountain? Doesn't he know Knights and Fountains are both just as fatal if provoked?"****

-"Because," said T. Griflet "he is young and but lately a knight and his strength is small compared to the hardness of this superior fountain wall. Otherwise, he is just of queer thinking, my queen"...

"T. Griflet the one who travels alone and disguises yourself as a work horse... for thy loyal account I shall keep thee as my counsellor from now on. There shall be an example made of thee, to honor thee."

"Thanks, my Queen!"

As I left the retreat, I sat for a brief moment with an emptyness in my heart. Mission accompli. Gay boy dead. One less gay-blood the world shall not miss.

****= "Fountains" and knights" in this entry may also mean the respected, barbaric and feared Fountains clans and Knight clans of Hispania . ****


Blogger Morgana Anakina Black said...

"Caballeros" and "Fuentes" are two famous clans from Spain. They come from the center part of this country and traveled many leagues through sea and land to discover,colonize,conquer,rule and ultimately to defeat bewildered natives. Some of them stayed in the mainland though. In our time,they were fierce warriors from Galicia; a haven for celtic influence in Hispania.

09 December, 2005 02:20  

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